- 2 min read
My Philosophy: Radical Good
I came up with this term ‘Radical Good’. Before I continue, so that no one thinks they wasted their time, I don’t believe I’m radically good. Meaning wholly or completely good. I have flaws, as does everyone. My views are also influenced a lot by my religion, Islam.
Radical Good: The actions, behaviors and thoughts that can be classed to be objectively good. The person who is radically good(RG), will do complete and whole good, even at the expense of their own wellbeing, livelihood or life.
My belief is that being RG(word play on OG) will bring good things into your life, protect you from harm and maintain long-term peace and happiness in your life. I’ll point out some actions down below so you can relate to this.
My belief is also that, if you go against RG, you’ll suffer in this life one way or the other. This is my personal observation when I look at people who strive to do good in any case possible as well people who do the opposite.
What makes someone RG then:
- Be good yourself, to yourself* and to others.
- Strive to make the lives of people around you better; never worse.
- Fight against/prevent bad when you see it happening in front of you.
There are few exceptions I’ve witnessed where bad things happen to good people but I’m not smart enough or have enough context to cover those cases. Let’s leave those to God’s Wisdom :)
Let’s be more specific:
- Give more than you take
- Love more than you hate
- Assume good of others
- Uphold others and respect them in public and private
- Do not discriminate based on status
- Practice honesty even at a loss
- Never try to gain(enjoy) at the expense of another person
- Practice equality for everyone regardless of previous ties
- Be kind if it’s an option; it always is.
We can be good to each other as well as strangers and still lead good lives(and have fun). Most of us reading are over 18 I guess. More than 18 years have passed so fast and we only hopefully have 3 or 4 of those 18 year periods left.
We’ll be gone before we know it so let’s spread peace :)
* Being good to yourself is when you choose to leave things that are bad for you.