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Aryan Rahman

Do the little things to get big value

/ 1 min read

Summary: You can’t do everything.

Actionable tip: Do Time-blocking. Use a calendar and a routine.

  • We can’t do everything that seems important in our life. Accept that.
  • Some things that really matter are uncomfortable and they will take a significant chunk of your time.
  • Don’t expect to get everything done. Accept your defeat to time. We can’t travel every corner of the world or be a master at every instrument, let’s accept that and enjoy what we have in front of us.
  • Be grateful and you’ll be grateful about this wonderful time. Just be happy. Take a moment to realize this exact moment, if you’re reading this you probably have a screen and some free time, that’s a blessing.
  • Practice doing nothing.
  • Rediscover rest and make it an end not a means. Rest should be === doing nothing. Watching TikToks is not rest.
  • Feeling fulfilled in the moment. The past and the future are not happening right now.
  • Prioritise one thing at a time. People can’t multi-process, we only have one brain. When you think you’re multitasking you’re actually switching between tasks which decreases your productivity and focus.