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Aryan Rahman

The thing about optimizing time

/ 1 min read

Pitfalls of trying to optimize time

Optimizing time can seem elusive. You made a plan to live your life in the best way possible. Do everything needed to achieve your goals, enjoy your time and be healthy. You try to cut out bad habits and spending time mindlessly.

The thing is.

It doesn’t work out that way 9/10 times.

I’ve tried cutting out social media and video games. 2 things that drain most of my time but unfortunately, I always see the extra time being swallowed by other stupid things such as watching YouTube or a TV Show. In essence, everything balances out and I end up doing the same things all over again but in a different flavour.

The importance of willpower

This is why now in my 1000th attempt I’ll try to figure out a better way of doing things. Fulfill my responsibilities, work towards my goals as well as enjoy my time. My current hypothesis is that sleep can be what makes or breaks everything because sleep is what dictates willpower.

Hopefully, mastering sleep will lead to better willpower and a better management of my time. Thank you for reading till now even though I didn’t give any results but I’ll keep you posted.